Although the small label on the product packaging is inconspicuous, it can be said that it is a product's \"ID card\", which records information about the production date, origin of origin, can be said to be a * Zhang name film that people know the product. The drug manufacturing industry is a large user of the high-speed labeling machine. It is very high for speed. The design of the labeling machine should take into account the integration of the processes before and after the labeling, and automatically enter the bottle and other additional additions. Features. The high-speed labeling machine uses the motor drive, speeds up speed, photoelectric control, reliable, high sensitivity, and high labeling, can basically meet the packaging needs of the pharmaceutical industry. Experts pointed out that domestic high-speed labeling machines can basically meet the needs of the domestic market, and basically occupy the vast majority of the market, but due to the limitations of technical level, there are still some limitations in the packaging. For example, the labeling machine needs to handle very thin containers and labels, and the packaging business is more demand for diversification than ever.
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